Year: 2023

Breaking News..!

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Have you ever written a online news article?

On Tuesday in Cyber smart our teacher showed us what things we need to check online to see if the news is fake or not. So we made our own news article  about camp or you didn’t went to camp a news article about what we did at school that week.  We had to include a URL, sponsored content,  advertisements (Ads), comments, byline, title and an image.

It is a lot of things! But they were pretty easy to do since our teacher made us this document that had all the boxes for these things for us to fill out.

Here is a picture.



Ready, Set Go!

Morena Bloggers!

Have you ever done a marble run?

On Thursday we had a S.T.E.M challenge. S science, T technology, E engineering M mathematics. We had 50 minutes  to use the materials we are given materials which were the same in all groups, to create a track that a ping pong ball will go through but the catch was it had to be as close as it can be to 10 seconds. The materials were: 3 ice block sticks, 4 newspapers, 5 kebab sticks, 5 straws , 1 piece of black foam, 3 sheets of thick glossy white paper, Small pieces of blocks and one 4 meter tape. We got to choose our groups. There were 7 groups with three in each of them. My group was Alize, Setayesh and myself. Our group’s name was The Waikowhai Stars.

Our average amount was 5.4425.  Every person in the group had 1 turn putting the ping pong ball through the track and then our teacher Mr Riceman had a turn in every group. Then we divided the numbers and see the average. It might sound easy but its not. it was so tricky but in the end we learnt a lot.



Spring Senses Poem. Spring Learning Journey

Kia Ora,

I went back on the Spring learning journey and this time I did the activity where you have to make a spring senses peoem. It took me a while to write this but it was worth it. I also had a look at other poems written by people to get some ideas of my own.

What do you think of my poem? Try making one of your own, what ideas can you come up with.


Check it out!

What Are You Favorite Animals? Spring Learning jouney


Today on the Spring Learning Journey I decided to check out this activity where you have to make a fact file about your favorite animal. My favorite is a kitten they, are so cute in my opinion. It was really fun and I also got to know some facts I didn’t know about. You should make a fact file about your favorite animal and don’t forget to add a picture!


Check out my fact file!

My Walk Around My Community! Spring Learning Journey

Hi Bloggers,

It was the holidays and I got bored so I had another look at Spring Learning Journey and I saw this activity  where you have to go for a little walk around your community and write what you see, hear and smell and try adding 3 things under See, smell and hear.

And so I took out my scooter and off I went.

I saw the beautiful flowers and this big bush of green and purplish leaves which was so beautiful! One more thing I saw was rubbish on the ground which I didn’t like. I heard some insects and also birds chirping in the trees. There one more thing I heard which was people talking in houses. What I smelt was this disgusting smell from all the rubbish and some yuck smells from the dirty water on the ground. But the smell of the flowers was amazing!

Why don’t yoiu go on a walk in your community and list what hear, smell and see.

What things Are Yellow? Spring Learning Journey.

Hi bloggers,

In the holidays I had another go at the Spring learning journey. And I saw one thing that caught my attention it said to list 20 things that are yellow.

Have a look at my list! Do you know anything that is yellow?

  1. Cheese
  2. Daffodils
  3. Yellow tulips
  4. Sun
  5. Sunflower
  6. Cone flowers
  7. Marigold
  8. Buttercup
  9. Daisy
  10. Butter
  11. Mango
  12. Banana
  13. Gold
  14. Bees
  15. Lemon
  16. Corn
  17. Ducks
  18. Mustard
  19. Taxi
  20. Sponge

How To Make A Smart Email?


Guess what? Today we were learning how to make smart emails, with Whaea Tanya. We used this google drawing to see what things should be in emails and what should be in text messages to your friends. Look at my google drawing.

After doing this our teacher Miss Kneller sent an email to us, and we had to screen shot it and put it on the slideshow. When we had a screen shot of it we had these red labels that we have to put them in the right places. Like where our teacher used a greeting, specific subject, something positive and helpful. keep to the subject and proofread including a sign off. At the end I learnt how to write a smart email and you should have too.

Have a look at mine!


Why Should We Stay Safe Online?

Why Should We Stay Safe Online?

In Cybersmart with Whaea Tanya we were learning about how to be safe online and what to do if something goes wrong. We did in a way where we learnt a lot but it was also super fun because we made comic strips.

Here are some things we learnt.

One is the golden rule, treat others how you would want to be treated. What does that mean? It means if you want someone to be  kind to you online be kind to them. Another thing was, what to do if something goes wrong. You should always take a screenshot and send or email it to your teacher if you are at school. But… If you are at home you should always ask an adult you trust.

Here is an image of what my and my buddy Olie’s comic strip. It was really tricky working with a buddy because I was saying what I wanted to write Olie was saying what she wanted to say and we couldn’t put all in so at the end we decided not to fight since it didn’t made anything better. That’s why I did half of the charterers and she did the other half which solved the problem.

Have you ever done a comic strip?

My Digital Footprints

We are learning to identify our Digital Footprints. Not footprints that you leave in the mud or maybe in paint, but digital footprints. We went into history and took a screenshot of the sites we went on, which was pretty easy and then we put it on a google drawing.  Like this…

This is something that everyone should try to do!  What sites have you been on?


We are learning to